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/ 10,000 Graphics Pack 2 / 10,000 Graphics Pack Volume 2 (Media Graphics International)(1997).ISO / COLRJPEG / INSECTS / IFF158.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-01-25  |  66KB  |  476x750  |  16-bit (64,207 colors)
Offensive: Gore: Possible
Labels: animal | insect | invertebrate | beetle | pest | arthropod | jewel beetles | leaf beetle
OCR: 10 @ National Geographic Society 154 times Natural Size FROM WHAT GOLCONDA DO THE BEETLES GET THEIR GEMLIKE GARMENTS? (1) Sternocera bennigseni Kerrem [Male) ; (2) Stenaspis verticalis Serv. [Femalel; (3) Ster- nocera hunteri Waterh. [ Male| ; (4) Conognatka amoena Kirby [ Female) ; (5) Callichroma schwarsi Fisher [Female]; (6) Belionofa sumptuosa Cast, and Gory | Male]; (7) Chrysochrom buqueti Gory [Female]; (8) Chrysochron edwardsi Hope [ Malel : (9) Stigmodera macularia Donovan [ Male]; (to) Chrysochron ocellata Fabricius [ Femalel; (11) Stigmodera suturalis Donovan | Female), See the following Family headings: Metallic Wood-borer and Long-horned Beetle, pages 82, 84.